Crown Chakra
Color: Violet.
Location: Top of the head.
Chakra Frequency: 768 Hz.
Solfeggio Frequency: 963 Hz.
Properties: Enlightenment, universal awareness, bliss.
The Crown chakra rests at the top of the chakra tower in the body. It allows energy to flow from the higher chakras to the other chakras below it and ground down to Earth creating a bridge of energy through the body. This chakra connects us to the divine where we find unity and connectedness to everything in the universe. Peace, joy and bliss are the language of the crown chakra. The intellect is absent but there is a sense of knowing, an understanding of a grander scheme and greater meaning in life. The ego must be transcended, and we must accept intrinsically the unity of the universe and everything in it, to abide in the energy of the crown chakra.
Our release into this “knowing” is where we find the "zero point" field, where we truly become that which is all that is. We go beyond contemplation to realization of the zero point field when we open the crown chakra and we feel as if we're floating in the space of all that is. We give to and receive energy from the field through the crown. When our connection to this energy is unobstructed we radiate perfect peace and live in vibrant health. Our bodies enjoy a calm and sensitive nervous system with alert reflexes and peak physical health. We can find a sense of completion, we learn to let go and surrender to our higher purpose and an acceptance of everything as it is.
People with open and active crown chakras are sensitive, aware or “awake”, and are spiritually powerful and emotionally balanced. Our awareness expands and our divine birthright of intuitive and joyful knowing begins to lead us from the energies of our instincts for survival to a life led from the heart, a life of selflessness, service, and spiritual growth. As we taste our divinity, mystical and spiritual experiences become commonplace and we begin to know the highest levels of reality. It is through deep meditation, contemplation, and prayer, that we strengthen our ability to experience these realms.