Color: Red.
Chakra frequency: 432 Hz.
Solfeggio frequency: 396 Hz.
Location: Base of the spine.
Characteristics: Physical identity, stability, grounding.
The root chakra is the first of the seven major chakras in the body. It is the foundation of the expansion of light into the upper chakras leading us to enlightenment and the experience of higher dimensions. This chakra is found at the base of the spine and is responsible for the energy to the lower back, lower spine, kidneys, and bladder. If the body is experiencing difficulties in any one of these areas then opening and clearing the lower chakra will initiate the healing of that area.
Our basic needs for food, water and shelter are also held within the root chakra. This chakra is concerned for our safety even though it's where we find the ability to be fearless. Confidence and expression of the divine feminine nature of our being begin to blossom as we grow our roots. We connect our physical body to the planet through opening this chakra and grounding our energy. Keeping the root chakra clear of any energetic stagnation helps to keep us from experiencing blockages in any of the other chakras above it.