Your "Inner" Ear
Awareness, and mastery of the inner ear, are key elements of the tonal chakra development system. Fortunately they are natural abilities we as humans are born with and they are very easy to remember how to use. The inner ear we speak of is not the fragile bone structure of our biological ear that we use for balance. It is the imaginative ear that hears our thoughts.
We use our inner ear every time we listen to our favorite song in our head. If we can think in sentences, we can think in songs. Mastery of the inner ear is obtained when we move from the listener to the composer of the music of the mind. In music, the frequency of a tone is defined as (pitch), and musical notes are representations of their relative pitch. We are going to learn to raise and lower the pitch of our inner tone through the frequencies of 396 Hz to 963 Hz. It is within this range of frequency that we activate the seven major chakras in our body. To isolate your inner tone just relax and think of a familiar sound, it could be the garbage truck "beeping" in the morning or the sound of the microwave when your food is done. This sound that you hear could be your favorite song. The point is to use a sound, or tone, that is familiar. This will make it easy to tune into our inner ear with our awareness. Now that we have a connection with the inner ear we can begin to open it's range with this same technique, just think of a familiar tone and hear it in your imagination, then raise and lower that tone with your inner ear. Think of how an opera singer might warm up their vocal cords. Since our inner ear is free from the limitations of our vocal range we can hit those same notes to bring awareness to the range and tone of our inner ear.
A good practice to bring awareness to the range of frequency that we will use to open up the seven chakras in the body is to tune your inner ear while imagining an emergency vehicle siren, hear the siren sounding from low to high and back again, bringing your awareness to the tone as it travels back and forth along the range of the siren.
This practice will help us begin to identify the location of the chakras in our body as well. When you use your inner ear to move the tone of the siren up and down your spine you will begin to feel sensations in your body moving with it. When the tone harmonizes with the frequency of one of the chakras, say the heart chakra (594 Hz), then that chakra begins to activate. It is at that point in our practice that we will draw pranic energy with our breath into that location, and fully activate it. When the heart chakra is activated with our inner tone we feel all warm and fuzzy inside. When we draw energy into this location we feel unfettered joy, bliss, and love.
Once you get the hang of this practice you can do it anywhere and at any time, activating any or all of your chakras. Standing in line is a good time to practice. You can even harmonize your inner ear to "sing" along with your favorite song on the radio. The more we practice awareness of the sounds we hear in life through our inner ear, the more proficient we become in using our inner ear to locate and open the chakras in our body. In the exercises that follow we will bring the elements of awareness, the breath, and the inner ear together at the specific location and frequency of each of the seven chakras in the body, reinvigorating our energy body and bringing us more clarity, greater joy, and vibrant health.
When we speak of the inner ear we are talking about the innate faculty of a human being to imagine sound as if they are hearing it with they're mind. The biological inner ear refers to the semicircular canals and cochlea which form the organs of balance and hearing and are embedded in the temporal bone. The inner ear we refer to is able, with some development, to generate and listen to tonal thought forms at the same time. Like an audio speaker your inner ear uses the signal from your mind to induce an electromagnetic field that is converted to a physically qualitative vibration.
Our mind is like a radio station sending a signal. Our inner ear tunes into the signal and converts the signal to a physical vibration. In our case the physicality is sensory and operates at the subtle plane of our nervous system. When we tune to different frequencies with our inner ear we are activating different aspects of energy to locate in different areas of the body. So we sing with the mind and listen with the body as if it were one action. Re-awakening this dormant ability to tap into the source of all creation may or may not happen overnight. But with an open mind, some imagination and motivation you will learn and remember your true nature and power.
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Etiam porta est eu metus ornare, sed convallis augue dapibus. Integer lacus mauris, tempus ac imperdiet et, finibus eu risus. Vivamus at dictum odio. Morbi blandit accumsan fringilla. Etiam condimentum sapien eu tellus faucibus congue a sit amet risus. Aliquam in vulputate ipsum. Vivamus consequat venenatis augue a molestie. Vivamus nibh orci, aliquet id felis id, lacinia luctus tellus. Proin mollis lobortis felis, id hendrerit mi dictum eget.
Donec mollis, urna sit amet mattis ornare, nunc eros egestas neque, vitae suscipit ante leo eget dui. Sed ultrices, nisi ultricies egestas placerat, risus enim blandit libero, aliquet ornare enim nunc ac neque. Sed gravida sem aliquet risus tempor vestibulum. Cras gravida ante eget odio laoreet, a dignissim nibh varius.